Saturday, 14 July 2012

Maximus's Cattery

me casa es su casa is if you're a Centurion...or a trainee Centurion

It is feedings time in Maximus's Cattery....Junior Centurioness Gracie Mae is with the kitties and Centurioness Tabatha.....kitty mum erxtraordinaire!

They is clockwise from the left.....Jack, Purdy, Marie, Smokey Jo(sephine), Tabatha, (Fruit Bat) Gracie Mae and Jill.

They is great kitties as they listens to me....if they dont's I bats them around the head...then they listens...

I watches over them when they eats to make sure they all eats enough....they has to grow bigimuss to be MY Centurions!!!!

Of course, The Bumbles aka Bumble aka Bumbleeeny and The Stealth Bomber aka Stealthy are entitled to eat apart as they are my Senior Centurions and nobody steals their foodimuss!!!

Tabatha aka TabTab has been a great mum to my kittie Centurions....They is gaining independence now and 'the milk bar' is only open for comfort suckling.....(Fruit Bat) Gracie Mae is instructing them in their duties as Maximus Centurions.....

My house is full of cats again and I is very very happyimuss!!!!

I is MAXIMUS SPITTIMUS (WRIGGLY KITTY) and I as spokens.....


  1. They are growing so well. We are happy that you bat them around when they do not listen. That is most proper.

    We bow down before your magnificence, Mighty Maximus!

  2. All hail Spittimus Maximus, Emperor of the Universe! Me and Charlie, your most loyal centurions are quivering like jellies on sticksimusses at the wonderful sight of your centurions in the making eating heartily and happily! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Take care

  3. Erm.... we were so enamoured by the baby centurion kitties we got your Highness's most revered name upside down and inside out. Ahem!! We blame our old grey missing brain cells-imusses...!! LOL!

  4. Yo, Ginger Boy

    Hope you eat too - you can't afford to let your plumpness diminish! You do a good job of supervising, however.

    Tell your little 2 legs that my 2 legs slave thinks those are some really nice looking boots.

    The Cat.
