I is chewings somethings. I has no idea what I is chewings but I likes chewings.
I is chewings something from lady Two Legs car. She had to take it out to fit in all the stuffs little Two Legs is takings to her other house for Uni.
Lady Two Legs took young Two Legs away to her other house. It is rented for Uni they say. What is a Uni? Is it a cat? I hopes it isn't a dog as I loves little Two Legs and I is angry if she is having anything to do with dogs.
I doesn't not like dogs - they has Four Legs like me and is furry like me so is more sensible than Two Legs but they is dumb and makes funny noises.
Blackie watched me chewings but didn't want to chew. Blackie has brighty eyes
The Bumbles turned a blind eye to my chewings......turned a blind eye? I is jokey Maximus now! The Bumbles only has one eye. It was joke. YOU WILL LAUGH AT MY JOKEIMUSSES!!!
I is MAXIMUS SPITTIMUS and I has spokens and jokens too!!!
I is handsomest and cleverist Maximus and I loves you being here with me........I will share a purr x