Wednesday 15 June 2011

No I Don't Believe In Miracles.....But I Almost Did....

As the Aide de Camp to Maximus Spittimus, I can only apoligise for the laxadasical posting....There has been much occupying me apart from The Emporer Maximus Spittimus....

I suspect he is not entirely happy with this temporary condition....I sense my toes may suffer the consequences of HIS indignation.

My wife and I (bloody hell...I sound like the Queen...'My husband and I'...) are in a British Charity called 'Cats Protection '.......We look after stray cats that are homeless and unwanted. We have a 'Cat Palace' at the bottom of the garden. It is heated and, frankly, if the wifey ever has the sense to throw me out I will move in there. I may decline to eat cat food but I will be warm and dry......;-)

Two 'new arrivals' were...and are...mother and son.

The female was pregnant. We had no idea she was pregnant. She certainly didn't look pregnant and she didn't eat like she was pregnant. We aren't psychic. She was pregnant and we didn't know.

Princess - as we have since called her - gave birth over night.

In the morning we found 2 still born kittens and an extremely distressed kitten no more than 5 or 6 hours old who she was clearly rejecting.

'Miracle' was promptly removed from the 'scene' and spent the night wrapped in a tea towel with disposable rubber gloves filled with warm water and stuffed down the wifey's bra.

Cinicat...a milk substitute...was fed to him via a small syringe.

Miracle survived the night via the wifey denying herself sleep and feeding him every hour on the hour.

The following day he was transferred to a lactating Queen with three 10 day old kittens at a Veterinary surgery in London.

After convincing two of her kittens to 'pee' on a bit of cotton wool and then wiping Miracle with said pee soaked cotton wool, the lactating female immediately washed him and drew him in to suckle.

Miracle suckled.

There was a chance. A slim chance but the 'adoptive' mother was 'up for it'.

When a rejected kitten is rejected in 99% of cases it will die. Even if it's had the joy of being in my wife's bra....

'Miracle' survived another night. The 'adoptive' mother was supurb!!! She drew Miracle in and he was hers.

His strength wasn't enough. He couldn't suckle enough.

Miracle died at 7:02 p.m. on 15th June 2011.

We tried so hard Miracle....Honest we did.....

After dropping off 'Miracle' in London the wifey went to sleep.....

That evening we went to the 'Cat Palace' to feed the strays......We opened Princesse's pen and.....

...another kitten.....she'd given birth over 8 hours after 'Miracle'!!!...and....she hadn't rejected this baby.

You didn't make it 'Miracle'.....I'm so so sorry baby...we tried so hard.....

The adoptive Queen was magnificent!...She took you as her own but it wasn't enough.....

For what it's worth...if your baby sister makes it she will be called 'Miracle' too.....

...She is you.

Sleep tight Miracle.

Our tears are warm for you....and our joy if your baby sister makes it will be tears of joy.....

Pleae let her make it......PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

Four Dinners
Aide de Camp
Maximus Spittimus


  1. we are sending 13 huge purrs and a prayer from Mommy for little Miracle the Second. Kittens are such fragile beings, almost ethereal. Bless you, Four Dinners, and your wife as well for being Cat rescuers. We Cats salute you with tails straight up!
    Um, and we boys wonder if we could spend a little time know!

  2. Oh wow. Oh you utter stars. Poor little Miracle and her siblings. OH but what a fighter! And big hugs to mum, Princess too! Me and Charlie have paws, limbs, eyes, toes - anything CROSSED that New Little Miracle will pull through!!! We know mum Princess will be a fantastic mum!!!

    Charlie wants to know if he could snuggle in the wifey's bra too....ahem.

    Take care

  3. We send our good thoughts and prayers to you and New Miracle too!

  4. So sorry Miracle didn't make it. We all purrrrring hard that Miracle, too (Miracle II?) makes it.

    Doubt it is much comfort, but a lot of times when a momcat rejects a kitten, the kitten has a birth defect that will make it hard or impossible for the kitten to survive.

  5. I had a similar experience once of trying to help save a newborn kitten. I'll never forget its fight to survive......lifechanging. Blessings on you for this work.....PM Neora to HRH Princess Treasure

  6. Had to take a second - mom got kind of leaky there. BLESS YOU for taking this baby and giving him a chance. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but you TRIED!! We will be purring for the "new" Miracle and her mommy - we hope maybe she is friendly and you can find a home for them that is safe. And BLESS YOU for taking the time and money and energy to care for the ferals around you!!

    (oh, and Ivy says to tell Maximus Spittimus that she would like to send him a kiss if that will help to keep him from chewing on your toes)

  7. We are so sorry to hear about Miracle 1, but are purring and praying for her Mommy and Miracle 2; we are grateful they have been fortunate to have such a loving family to care for them in their time of need...Sending big hugs and much love to you guys and your new extended family members...Hope you all enjoy a happy weekend, sweet friends...Smoochies to handsome Maximus...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  8. Purrs of appreciation for your valiant efforts to help Miracle make it.

    Miracle Too - know you are loved from around the world
    Mama Princess, you are lucky as well to have ended up with such caring folks. Ear skritches to you...

    And of for Maximuss & friends and his Two Legs

  9. oh, goo'ness!! we are all wet frum mom's leaky eyes! we are all purrin' an' purrrayin' rilly, rilly hard fur Li'l Sis. an' may the dear lord bless you two-leggses real good fur fightin' so valiant fur baby miracle. we is furry sad 'bout him, but we knows there are mommycats at the rainbow bridge who haff taken him in an' he is safe now. thanyew fur bein' most hexcellent beans!
